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Angela Mancini speaks at a press conference, with Commissioner Andrew Ross and Regional Director John Pevec. |
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Joseph Bondi |
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Kim Sullivan records a commercial. |
Watch the exercise segment here.
Watch the kids do the weather forecast
TEACHER WORRIES ABOUT HER FUTURE: Faiza Hussain is a graduate of the EMSB's Cedarcrest Elementary School and LaurenHill Academy in St. Laurent. All her life she wanted to be a teacher and that is what she studied to become in university. Faiza is presently a substitute/resource teacher at the EMSB and has worked a lot at Sinclair Laird Elementary School in Park Extension. Regrettably she will be directly affected by the Quebec government’s new secularism bill banning religious symbols for teachers, police officers and other public servants in positions of authority. See our video with her.
BACK TO SCHOOL: Students of the EMSB's primary and secondary institutions will return to class on Tuesday, September 3, 2019. Kindergarten children must be five years of age on or before September 30, 2019 while Grade 1 (Cycle 1) students must be six years old on or before the same date. Registration for those not previously enrolled will begin on Wednesday, August 14 for elementary and secondary schools. Parents are asked to call the school in their neighbourhood to make an appointment. Parents are urged to consult the Board’s website at www.emsb.qc.ca, which also contains information about the successful adult education and vocational training programs. E-mail inquiries can be sent to informationdesk@emsb.qc.ca or you can call 514- 483-7200. The EMSB serves more than 40,000 students at 35 elementary schools, 17 secondary schools, eight alternative outreach high schools, seven social affairs institutions and 10 adult and vocational centres. All pupils registering for the first time are required to provide a birth certificate and vaccination records to the school the child will be attending. Parents will be asked to fill out forms which will allow the school to apply for the certificate of eligibility for English schooling. Under the Charter of the French Language, a certificate of eligibility is generally granted to children who did the majority of their elementary or secondary studies in English in Canada; whose mother or father did the majority of his/her elementary studies in English in Canada or whose brother or sister did the majority of his/her elementary or secondary studies in English in Canada. Please note that as a result of Quebec law, this criteria excludes studies completed in the Quebec Private School system.
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Natasha Krsteski, Acting Principal Assunta Caruso and some students. |
held an event to mark Pride Month and International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia. It took place in the format of a Thrift Shop called The Closet, where visitors could purchase new or gently-used items donated by members of the school’s community. Due to popular demand the sale was extended an extra day. All proceeds raised from this event will be donated to organizations that are centered at helping homeless youth and women of domestic violence. “We infused an informative/educational piece by putting special tags on our items,” explained Guidance Counsellor Natasha Krsteski, “Instead of typical prices on the tags, we included important statistics on the LBGTQ community and mental health.” Seventy-eight percent of people in Canada who reported a strong connection to their community also reported positive mental health. Between 25 and 40 percent of homeless youth in Canada identify as LGBT.
ADMINISTRATIVE APPOINTMENTS: Newly appointed principals for the next academic year (present school in brackets) will be: Steven Rebelo (Our Lady of Pompei), Lester B. Pearson High School; Angela Vaudry (John Grant/LINKS) Royal West Academy; Anna Sanalitro (Pierre Elliott Trudeau), Mackay Centre/Philip E. Layton; Tanya Alvares (vp at St. Pius Career Centre), Pierre Elliott Trudeau; Dina Vourdousis (vp a Galileo) Carlyle; Despina Michakis (interim vp at FACE), Dunrae Gardens; Civita Tudino (Cedarcrest), James Lyng Adult Centre; David Lee (Hampstead), Westmount Park; Demetra Droutsas (Gardenview), Westmount High; Jennifer Le Huguet (vp Westmount High), John Grant; Lucy Buscemi (John Caboto), Hampstead; Myrianne Lusignan (East Hill), Gardenview; Elana Zervas (Dunrae Gardens), Cedarcrest; Sabrina Petrocco (Carlyle), East Hill; Lisa Ancona (vp at Vincent Massey Collegiate), Our Lady of Pompei; David Servello (vp at LaurenHill Academy), John Caboto; Nicholas Romano (vp Laurier Macdonald High School), Nesbitt; John Pevec (regional director), Rosemount Technology Centre (as of October); Joe-Anne Desir (interim principal James Lyng Adult Centre), interim at Rosemount Technology Centre; Harry Michalopoulos (Rosemount Technology Centre), High School of Montreal Adult Centre); Grace Fanelli (vp John Grant/LINKS), LINKS (as of 2020-21); Maria Caldarella (St. Pius X), LINKS (interim).
Nicholas Romano |
Tony Pita (Royal West) will be taking a sabbatical. Patrizia Ciccarelli (Mackay/Philip E. Layton) is retiring. Lester B. Pearson High School Principal Joseph Vitantonio has assumed the duties of assistant director of human resources.
Max Domi and Olivia Medeiros. |
GLIMPSE OF A CHILD: In the first of its kind at the EMSB, parents from East Hill Elementary School in R.D.P. joined their children in the classroom to experience a typical morning. Called “A Glimpse of their Child’s Day,” parents with children in Kindergarten, Grade 5 and Grade 6 joined their children in all activities ranging from regular class time to recess and even appointments with student services specialists. “The intent was to offer parents a genuine glimpse of a typical part of their child’s day, particularly from an academic standpoint,” said Vice Principal Jessica Monti.“Parents came to learn alongside their children. This was a unique experience for everyone involved.”
BATTERY BATTLE: Once again this year, Gardenview Elementary School in St. Laurent participated in the Provincial Competition “Call to Recycle / Appel à recycler.” The students in the Recycle Squad organized a school-wide Battery Battle where all classrooms from Kindergarten to Grade 6 collected and recycled used batteries. In total, they collected over 75,000 used batteries, which is just over 3,605 pounds. Gardenview finished first in their category of all the schools that participated across the province, winning a $1,000 prize from Environnement Jeunesse. More information about the contest can be found here.
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A proud group of Gardenview students. |
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The Math League winners. |
Thomas O. Hecht, Spiritual Animator Elizabeth Pellicone and some admiring students. |
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The St. Gabriel family celebrates the donation. |
The amount of the grant will be revealed on Wednesday. The Love of Reading Foundation was established in 2004 by Heather Reisman, the C.E.O and Founder of Chapters/Indigo and is committed to providing literacy funding for inner-city elementary schools. Since its founding, the foundation has committed over $30 million to over 3,000 high-needs schools in Canada.
WESTMOUNT PARK PREPARES FOR MOVE: The programs and the curriculum remains – even the phone number stays the same. This was the message the administration of Westmount Park Elementary School (WPS) wanted parents to know about the move to two separate buildings in September. Repairs, renovations and cleaning are taking place over the summer to ready the facilities at the former St. John Bosco Elementary School in Ville-Émard and Marymount Academy International in NDG. Plans call for the current 105-year-old school building at 15 Park Place to be closed for at least the next two upcoming academic years (2019-20 and 2020-21) to complete a $12-million project of renovations and repairs. WPS expects its enrolment of 700 to be maintained and students will be split into two groups across all the grades, from Kindergarten to Grade 6. Based on a logistical mix of busing routes, postal codes and special needs, less than half the students will go to Westmount Park School South Campus (Ville-Émard), with the remaining numbers directed to Westmount Park School North Campus (NDG), the east wing of the current Marymount Academy International high school. The WPS students will use the eastern doors, while the current Marymount students will continue to use the western doors. For the past two years Marymount has been sharing its building with Centennial Academy, which moves out this summer. Siblings will remain together at one campus. You can read the full story here.
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Outgoing Principal Marylene Perron is busy with her team packing boxes. |
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Teachers Stephanie Napolitano and Marie Alexiou, and students Alex Desmettre and Gary Croxen prepare for the podcast. |
See this excellent report by Domenic Fazioli
WILLINGDON EXPANSION: Beginning in the 2019-2020 academic year, Willingdon Elementary School in NDG will be housing its Grade 5 and 6 students in what it will be calling its Senior Campus, located at the former St Ignatius of Loyola School building on Coronation and Somerled avenues. The original Terrebonne building will welcome the five incoming Kindergarten classes and returning students who will be in the Grade 1 to 4 classes. A celebratory ribbon-cutting event is set to be held in September with the beginning of the new school year. Students will take part in a walk to the new campus on June 19. Suzanne Desautels is doing a series of special podcasts to mark the occasion. You can listen here.
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Officials from Global TV and The Terry Fox Foundation receive the cheque. |

STEAM PROJECTS COME TO FRUITION AT RI-MUHC: Six weeks after linking up with research trainees and project coordinators as part of a partnership between the EMSB and the Research Institute of McGill University Health Centre (RI-MUHC), 30 proud high school students excitedly returned to the RI-MUHC to showcase their final projects. The event closed a successful and promising collaboration involving seven high schools from the EMSB aimed at engaging youth in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) projects. At the heart of this unique partnership was an opportunity to provide tools for dialogue and exploration, pushing students to think critically, artistically and creatively, like future innovators. See this update and listen to a terrific CBC Radio report.
EMSB WINS AWARDS: The Quebec English School Boards Association (QESBA) has announced the recipients of the fifth annual Awards of Excellence in English public education that were presented May 25 during the AAESQ/QESBA Spring Conference. There were a total of five recipients this year. In the Innovation in Teaching or Program Delivery category, the EMSB won for their program “The Two-Table Model.” In Community Engagement the “EMSB-RI-MUHC Partnership” was recognized.
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Anna Villalta receives the award from Noel Burke, |
EMSAC CONCLUDES SEASON: The EMSB's Student Advisory Committee held its last meeting of the school year at Rosemount High School on May 21. In addition to two student representatives from every high school, EMSAC is advised by regional directors Pela Nickoletopoulos and John Pevec, Commissioner Bernard Praw, Vice-Principal David Servello from LaurenHill Academy, Steve Spetsieris from Willingdon Elementary and teacher Paul Karpontinis from Lester B. Pearson High School as the moderator. Mr. Praw represents the committee at the Council of Commissioners. Meetings are held in different schools alternating between the Eastern and Western schools in the EMSB family and each host school’s senior member will chair that month’s meeting.
At the beginning of each meeting, the host school conducts a leadership activity that breaks the ice and teaches members new skills. Each host school nominates one of their members to sit in as chairperson and our secretary records the minutes of each meeting. In summary this year, EMSAC discussed and was consulted on the Budget Building Process, #MeToo in High School, Marketing & our Open Houses, the Legalization of Cannabis, the New Sexuality Education Program, School Fees and the meaning of Free Education in Quebec, the Importance of Teaching Social Justice, The Very Existence of our School Boards, Extended Recess & Increasing Time Allocated to Physical Fitness, The Transfer of Schools to Ease Overcrowding in the French System, Safety in our Schools, the Student Protest Movement and the Implications of Bill 21 all sparked exciting debate and gave us pause to think.
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Students enjoy an exercise. |
HELPING STUDENTS COPE BETTER WITH THE CURRICULUM: The Student Services department at the EMSB has added two assistive technology (AT) consultants to their team of professionals. In collaboration with the Educational and Technology Services (ETS) department, this innovative new service is helping students with special needs learn, communicate and better access the curriculum. Three years ago, representatives from the EMSB’s Student Services and ETS departments joined Apple Canada on a visit to the South Shore Regional Centre for Education in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia to learn how they were implementing technology in the classroom. “We met with AT consultants, and were impressed with what they were accomplishing. We decided there and then to bring this service to the EMSB, with the intention of having specialist in AT fill the positions,” says Julie René de Cotret, assistant director of Student Services at the EMSB. Andrea Prupas was hired two years ago, and Olivia Colalillo came on board this year. Both highly qualified, they have been working one-on-one with EMSB elementary and high school students who have learning disabilities, dyslexia, developmental delays, and Autism Spectrum Disorder. See the complete article by Wendy Singer.
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Coronation student Veronika Jahanian has found her voice with the help of assistive technology. Seen here with her teacher Amanda Dandy in the Senior ASD class. |
TRANSITION TO KINDERGARTEN: In collaboration with the Early Childhood Department at Tyndale St-George Community Centre; Candice Madden Kindergarten Transition Agent and Martine Legault-Ciccia, Education Consultant for Preschool and Culture in the Schools (pictured right), hosted a lunch and lecture workshop for parents entitled; “My Child Is Going To Kindergarten…What Should I Expect?” The lunch and lecture provided parents sending their children to kindergarten with tips on the transition period. Parents were guided through a discussion about specific strategies on helping their children cope with the challenges of the transition to school and familiarizing them with the school setting. Participants asked questions such as; how do we talk to our children about starting school? How do we assist, reassure and comfort them? What helpful resources are available for families? Parents were also provided with information regarding both the four and five-year old kindergarten program, as well as what a typical day in kindergarten looks like.
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Rosemount High School students prepare to help #EndTheStigma. |
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Parents were hard at work at East Hill. |
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Students enjoy their culinary experience. |
LIBRARY LEARNING COMMONS: The EMSB Board Librarians (Alissa Rosellini, Julian Taylor and Michele Tebeka) have completed an excellent video highlighting the transformations from the traditional library to the library learning commons model in four of our high schools (LaurenHill Academy, Laurier Macdonald, John Paul I, and JFK). They interviewed principals, teachers, library personnel and students. See the video.
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A scene from the show. |
MICHELANGELO CONCERT: Michelangelo International School in RDP hosted its annual music concert at CEGEP Marie-Victorin. Once again the audience was blown away by the fantastic show put together by music teacher Esther Gonzalez, as well as by the wonderful performances by both students and staff members alike. Congrats to all for an entertaining and creative show! A few days eaerlier Michelangelo, in conjunction with Aveda Salon, hosted an event where students and their families could get their hair cut in exchange for a donation to the “Stand Up for Water” organization. A total of $450 was raised to provide clean water to 18 people for the rest of their lives!
On May 8, Grade 6 Michelangelo students had the opportunity to visit their fellow IB school, John Paul I Junior High in St. Leonard to experience a day in the life of a high school student. T
SCIENCE FAIR WINNER ON TV: Royal West Academy Canada-Wide Science Fair winner Hajeong Seo was interviewed on Breakfast Television. Here is the video:
BAKE SALE SCORES: Six amazing Grade 4 students at Roslyn Elementary School recently held a bake sale and opened a lemonade stand, all to raise money for Cystic Fybrosis Canada. In all, they raised $581 and presented the organization with a cheque this week.
LUNCH IS SERVED: Grade 2 students from Roslyn Elementary School in Westmount in the classes of Ms. Anabel, Ms. Dimitra and Ms. Marie-Laure welcomed parents to their lunchroom recently. Students spent several weeks working on the various French second language skills through a multitude of activities related to nutrition. They closed this theme by inviting their parents to lunch at their restaurant. The students wrote the invitations and menus and they also welcomed and served the parents. They were also the ones who managed the fund. And all this in French of course! The many parents present left delighted with their experience at the "Roslyn Resto-Diner"!
RANDOM ACTS OF FRIENDSHIP: Recently, Hampstead Elementary School, through a collaborative community project, was recognized by Intergénérations Québec. Of the 173 applications, Intergénérations Québec chose 15 finalists (three per category). The community project entitled, “Random Acts of Friendship and the Ripple Effect,” finished first place in the Literary category. Led by Extra Miles senior visiting program Coordinator Tracie Swim, along with Spiritual and Community Animators Jagdeep Trehin and Danika Swanson, the project’s aim was to connect Hampstead students with seniors in the community through the sending of cards to isolated seniors, the playing of games, and friendly chats with seniors attending Day programs. Some of the seniors and students are even working on becoming pen pals, sending a chain of letters back and forth. As seniors can often feel isolated, the students’ gestures and visits were very much appreciated. This project was conducted through the New Hope Seniors' Centre Meals on Wheels program and Day program. New Hope facilitated the delivery of the cards and the interactions between the Day program participants and students and even provided the students with transportation for their Day program visits. A big thank you to all who contributed to this project!
MACKAY SATELLITE: On June 5, the Mackay Satellite Class at Westmount High School, also known as the Leaders on Wheels, were proud to present the Montreal Children’s Hospital (MCH) Foundation with a cheque in the amount of $3,773 which they raised through the sale of their homemade spice rubs, barbeque sauces and decadent brownies. The Leaders have donated a total of $13,536 to the MCH over the past five years. “We raise money so the hospital can continue to do their good work and take care of all of us,” shared Rose Sondola, teacher of the Mackay Satellite class, while addressing students at a presentation at the Mackay Centre and Philip E. Layton schools.
MCH Foundation representatives Alessia Di Giorgio, advisor, Special Events and Community Relations, and Marie-Claude Baribeau, director, Special Events, were on hand to accept the donation. “We’re so proud of these students. We are lucky to have kids raising funds for kids, and making quite a splash in their community as they do it,” shared Di Giorgio. Leaders Philip Paraskevopoulos, Mikisew Dube and Angelika Phillip spoke about their class’ fundraising efforts, followed by the showing of a video photo collage and two fun videos about the making of their barbeque sauces and spice rub which were created by students Jordan Paquette, Abdullah Farooq and Harris Qureshi with the help of Martin Braunwell, child care worker with the class. Mackay Centre School Principal Patrizia Ciccarelli congratulated and thanked the class for their fundraising efforts. “You are truly leaders, and clearly have fun doing it. We are presenting this with all of our hearts, along with the whole team at Westmount High.” Visit the Leaders online at www.leadersonwheels.wordpress.com
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Staff and students present their cheque. |
LUNCH IS SERVED: Grade 2 students from Roslyn Elementary School in Westmount in the classes of Ms. Anabel, Ms. Dimitra and Ms. Marie-Laure welcomed parents to their lunchroom recently. Students spent several weeks working on the various French second language skills through a multitude of activities related to nutrition. They closed this theme by inviting their parents to lunch at their restaurant. The students wrote the invitations and menus and they also welcomed and served the parents. They were also the ones who managed the fund. And all this in French of course! The many parents present left delighted with their experience at the "Roslyn Resto-Diner"!
RANDOM ACTS OF FRIENDSHIP: Recently, Hampstead Elementary School, through a collaborative community project, was recognized by Intergénérations Québec. Of the 173 applications, Intergénérations Québec chose 15 finalists (three per category). The community project entitled, “Random Acts of Friendship and the Ripple Effect,” finished first place in the Literary category. Led by Extra Miles senior visiting program Coordinator Tracie Swim, along with Spiritual and Community Animators Jagdeep Trehin and Danika Swanson, the project’s aim was to connect Hampstead students with seniors in the community through the sending of cards to isolated seniors, the playing of games, and friendly chats with seniors attending Day programs. Some of the seniors and students are even working on becoming pen pals, sending a chain of letters back and forth. As seniors can often feel isolated, the students’ gestures and visits were very much appreciated. This project was conducted through the New Hope Seniors' Centre Meals on Wheels program and Day program. New Hope facilitated the delivery of the cards and the interactions between the Day program participants and students and even provided the students with transportation for their Day program visits. A big thank you to all who contributed to this project!
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Bumble and the Montreal Children's Hospital mascot join in the cheque presentation. |
MCH Foundation representatives Alessia Di Giorgio, advisor, Special Events and Community Relations, and Marie-Claude Baribeau, director, Special Events, were on hand to accept the donation. “We’re so proud of these students. We are lucky to have kids raising funds for kids, and making quite a splash in their community as they do it,” shared Di Giorgio. Leaders Philip Paraskevopoulos, Mikisew Dube and Angelika Phillip spoke about their class’ fundraising efforts, followed by the showing of a video photo collage and two fun videos about the making of their barbeque sauces and spice rub which were created by students Jordan Paquette, Abdullah Farooq and Harris Qureshi with the help of Martin Braunwell, child care worker with the class. Mackay Centre School Principal Patrizia Ciccarelli congratulated and thanked the class for their fundraising efforts. “You are truly leaders, and clearly have fun doing it. We are presenting this with all of our hearts, along with the whole team at Westmount High.” Visit the Leaders online at www.leadersonwheels.wordpress.com
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Paul Byron meets some students. |
HOCKEY DU LA RUE: The Royal Vale team once again outclassed other schools at the Foundation des enfants Canadiens Street Hockey fundraiser in Snowdon.. Students were excited to meet Paul Byron of the Habs.
Giovanna Valcelli (Mom of Victoria), Victoria (Michelangelo International Elementary School), Stephanie Fuoco (Teacher, Michelangelo), Naomi (Willingdon School), Maya Doughan and Sharon (Willingdon School)
BASEBALL FRIENDLY: Physical Education and Health teacher Mike Creamer of Hampstead School organized the first Cycle 2 Baseball Friendly Game between his students and and those from Royal Vale. The game took place at Hampstead Park. Royal Vale PEH teacher Norman Katz wishes to thank parent Steve Shanahan for all his dedication and hard work.
BASEBALL FRIENDLY: Physical Education and Health teacher Mike Creamer of Hampstead School organized the first Cycle 2 Baseball Friendly Game between his students and and those from Royal Vale. The game took place at Hampstead Park. Royal Vale PEH teacher Norman Katz wishes to thank parent Steve Shanahan for all his dedication and hard work.
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Alouettes Director of Sales and Fan Services Brian Weightman (far right) with Laura Fiumidinisi, Emmanuel Monegro Quezada, Beatriz de Souza Neves and James Fequet. |
VALENTINE RETIRES: EMSB fans who had hoped to see former Royal Vale student Christopher Valentine in action were disappointed. He had to retire due to suffering many concussions – five in total. Valentine, 22, joined the Als during the second week of training camp a year ago and become the first junior-aged player to dress for a game in the 2018 pre-season. He previously played for the Châteauguay Raiders of the Quebec Junior Football League, helping the team capture the championship. The 6-foot-3, 200-pound Valentine led the league in receptions, with 28, and was third overall in yards, with 381.
IMPACT NIGHT: The traditional “EMSB Night” will take place on Wednesday, June 26 (7:30 p.m.) when the Impact host the Portland Timbers at Saputo Stadium. Tickets are priced for EMSB families at a $20 each. Some of the proceeds from ticket sales will go towards Inspirations, a publication dedicated to the special needs community. Purchases are online only at www.emsb.qc.ca/impact. Two students will be awarded the prestigious Tony Licursi Scholarship that comes with a $500 bursary.
IMPACT LEGENDS: EMSB grad and former Impact player Rocco Placentino will be playing in the legends game on June 23 at Stade Saputo, organized by Patrice Bernier. Brazilian legend Ronaldinho and his former professional friends will be in Montreal to take on Bernier, Placentino, Marco Di Vaio and other former players, as part of a weekend highlighting the beautiful game. Tickets for the event can be purchased here. Via Placentino you can also order them via admin@soccerstl.ca. By day Rocco runs CS St Laurent is more than just a soccer club! See the promotional video here.
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Michael Azira takes part in awards ceremony. |
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The food looks delicious at John Grant. |
MULTICULTURAL DAY: Staff and students at John Grant High School in Côte Saint-Luc celebrated Multicultural May last month. The program was spearheaded by teachers Mr. Armour and Ms. Rendell-Green, in collaboration with Spiritual Care and Guidance and Community Involvement Animator Danika Swanson. It was made possible with support from the EMSB Multicultural Funds. Three special lunches were held during Multicultural May: Cinco de Mayo, Middle Eastern, and Grandma’s Recipes, where students brought in their favorite family recipes. The menus were prepared by Mr. Armour the students at John Grant. It was a wonderful way to bring students and staff together and highlight the diversity and talents of the John Grant community!
The entrepreneurs of John Grant. |
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It was quite a show at John Grant. |
TOUCHING BASE: The one and only issue of the EMSB B.A.S.E. Daycare’s Touching BASE on Daycare Matters newspaper for 2018-2019 is here! Students and staff crammed as much amazing news as possible from the B.A.S.E. Daycares into the ninth edition. Front page news includes a run-down of the amazing environmental consciousness-themed Daycare Conference that took place in August, an interview providing a little insight into the new and fearless B.A.S.E. Daycare leader Teresa Federico, and a wonderful student-written article on the schoolyard garden at General Vanier and what happens in Green Club. The “Green Club Fun at General Vanier” piece is a little bittersweet as GV is one of the schools potentially being transferred to the CSPI. Published on June 12, 2019, the issue includes everything from daycare students learning fun science experiments and magic tricks, to how to be an Eco Kid and even send a postcard to the Prime Minister of Canada! You can also read about how the Nutritowers are thriving in all B.A.S.E. Daycare schools and the many ways in which daycare students are staying physically active. Students, staff and the EMSB at large are encouraged to send letters to the editor to potentially see them published in the 10th anniversary issue next year!
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Everyone had a fun time on the retreat. |
AMBASSADORS OF CHANGE: On May 7, students from Royal Vale High School in NDG, James Lyng High School in St. Henri, Options, + Outreach and Programme Mile End Alternative High Schools, John F. Kennedy High School in St. Michel, Focus Alternative High School in NDG, LaurenHill Academy in St. Laurent, Marymount Academy International in NDG and Royal West Academy in Montreal West attended the Ambassadors of Change program in Ottawa. Coordinated by the Spiritual and Community Animator service, EMSB students had an opportunity to gather with students from around the country in order to discuss important questions and to commemorate those that lost their lives in the Holocaust. The central question that was posed to students was, “In your opinion, is Holocaust education still important to students today?” Students were also fortunate as each group of students was paired up with a of Holocaust survivors in order to hear their personal testimonial. The event culminated with a National Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremony, which included members of parliament. The experience was a powerful reminder of the importance of learning from past tragedies in order to avoid future mistakes.
CLIMATE CHANGE: Two Royal West Academy students showed their expertise in the area of climate change when they served as guests on CBC Radio Noon with Shawn Apel. Here is the link.
JONAS ROCKS MACKAY: Rock star Jonas Tomalty was on CTV Montreal News recently where he spoke about his experience decades ago as a reverse integration student at the Mackay Centre School. Here is the link.
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Staff who have attained 25 years of service stand proud. |
LONG SERVICE RECEPTION: About 90 people attended the annual Long Service Reception, which took place on Tuesday, May 28 at the Le Challenger reception hall in St. Laurent. The EMSB honored 45 employees – ranging from teachers, administrators and support staff -- for their 25 years of service with the Board, which began in 1994. EMSB Chairman Angela Mancini, Director General Ann Marie Matheson, along with several commissioners, school administrators and the directors from the Regional Office, the Secretary General’s Office, Human Resources, and Adult Education and Vocational Services, presented the honoured employees with special 25 years EMSB Monarch watches as a token of appreciation. The honourees who were present this year were: Nadia Audet (Laurier Macdonald High School), Lise Beauchemin (Nesbitt School), Lorraine Belanger (Cedarcrest School), Louis Bilodeau (LaurenHill Academy), Donald Chan (Westmount High School), Patrici Monique Crevier (Mackay Centre), Athanasios Dafniotis (LaurenHill Academmy), Ida Maria De Laurentiis (Michelangelo School), Jean-Guy Desjardins (Westmount High School), Angeliki Eftaxias (Merton School), Carole Gagnon (Secretary General/Communications), Demetrios Giannacopoulos (St. Laurent Adult Centre), Stavroula Haralambakos (LaurenHill Academy), Deborah Johnson (St. Pius X Career Centre), Sonia Mandel (High School of Montreal), Stacey Monk (Cedarcrest School), Mylene Perreault (Lester B. Pearson High School), Anna Picarella (Laurier Macdonald Career Centre), Helen Radford (Mackay Centre), Cindy Renaud (Human Resources), Sandy Roy (Royal West Academy), Giuseppina Santino (Nesbitt School), Nicola Sindici (St. Laurent Adult Centre), Rosa Penn (Shadd Health & Business Centre), Michel Le Duc (Laurier Macdonald High School), Cincettina Cassetta (Nesbitt School), Patricia Ciccarelli (Mackay Centre/Philip E. Layton), Marie-Christine Hanlon (Dunrae Gardens),and Rola Soueidan (Pierre Elliott Trudeau School).
PROMOTING NON-VIOLENCE: On June 5 Cycle Three students from Edward Murphy Elementary School in Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, joined by their teachers, CCWs and Spiritual Care and Guidance and Community Involvement Animator Rocco Speranza, spent a fun-filled day at Parc Thomas-Chapais. Through sports and creative workshops, they interacted with students from other elementary schools from across SPVM PDQ 48 territory. They were joined by SPVM Socio-Community Officers Nathalie Meunier and Jean Scalzo, who organized the day’s events. SPVM officers from several Mounted Divisions, Motorcycle Squad, Water Patrol, Circulation, CN Police and even SPVM Mascot Flic, spent the day promoting non-violence and acceptance of others and their differences. This celebration marks the end of the yearlong United Against Violence Program in the participating Montreal elementary schools. Mr. Speranza and Officer Scalzo have collaborated to deliver this program for the past two years. They believe that this program is essential, as it provides conflict resolution tools to the students, while promoting unity, acceptance, and kindness in the school.
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Edward Murphy students sent out a good message. |
GREEN FOR GREEN: Westmount High School teacher Robert Green will be the Green Party’s candidate in NDG-Westmount in the upcoming federal election “I am really looking forward to getting out there and speaking with the citizens of NDG-Westmount about their concerns and sharing with them the Green Party’s vision for real action to address our climate emergency while building a more prosperous and egalitarian society,” he said.
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Angela Spagnolo |
SPAGNOLO ASSUMES HELM: Angela Spagnolo has been appointed Director of Adult Cosmo Della Rocca, who is retiring after a career of more than 40 years in the public education system. Ms. Spagnolo has been the assistant director since 2016. Prior to that she was the Principal of James Lyng Adult Education Centre, Laurier Macdonald Career Centre and the St. Laurent Adult Education Centre as well as an academic advisor and a teacher. Rick David, presently the Principal of the High School of Montreal Adult Education Centre, has been appointed an Assistant Director of AEVS effective July 1.
Education and Vocational Services, effective July 1. She will succeed
PIUS VISITS DANTE: St Pius X’s Chef Instructor Sistino Occhialini was at Dante Elementary School in St. Leonard cooking with Mme Élaine’s Grade 1 Class! Chef Sistino encouraged students to appreciate shapes, colours, and tastes when eating culinary dishes. Culinary techniques were also discussed when students made a salsa verrine, cucumber canapé and a fruit salad tart. A delicious time was had by all!!
EDWARD MURPHY COOKS AS WELL: Mr Michael’s Classes 3C and 4C of Edward Murphy School had an opportunity to experience fractions in a real-life setting. Mr Michael, along with Math Consultant, Aliya Somani, created a great lesson plan linking cooking with math! Chef Mike Young of St Pius X and Vice Principal Tanya Alvares helped students make their smoothies using measuring cups and blenders. They had a great time and the smoothies were awesome!
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Tanya Alvares with chefs and students. |
Students enjoyed their visit to RTC. |
NOUVEAUX SITES WEB: La Division des communications et du marketing de la CSEM est heureuse d’annoncer qu’au terme de grands efforts, le nouveau site Web de l’école secondaire Lester B. Pearson a vu le jour. Il s’agit du deuxième site Web à être mis en ligne par l’entremise de la plateforme Agility. Toute l’équipe de webmestres s’affaire maintenant à finaliser les sites suivants : Pierre Elliott Trudeau, St. Monica, Our Lady of Pompei et Inspirations. http://www.lesterbpearson.emsb.qc.ca/lesterbpearson.
NOMINATIONS ADMINISTRATIVES : D’autres nominations administratives ont été annoncées pour l’année scolaire 2019-2020. Joseph Vitantonio, directeur de l’école secondaire Lester B. Pearson, a assumé les fonctions de directeur adjoint du Service des ressources humaines. À compter de la prochaine année scolaire, c’est Steven Rebelo qui occupera ce poste. Assunta Caruso assure actuellement l’intérim. Angela Vaudry (présentement à John Grant/LINKS) agira à titre de directrice par intérim à l’Académie Royal West durant le congé sabbatique de Tony Pita. Patrizia Ciccarelli part à la retraite. Anna Sanalitro (présentement à l’école Pierre Elliott Trudeau) lui succédera à titre de directrice du Centre Mackay/Philip E. Layton. Tanya Alvares, directrice adjointe au Centre des carrières St. Pius X, prendra la relève à l’école Pierre Elliott Trudeau.
SURVOL D’UNE JOURNÉE DE CLASSE: Pour la toute première fois de l’histoire de la CSEM, les parents de l’école East Hill à R.D.P. ont rendu visite à leurs enfants en classe afin de faire l’expérience d’une matinée typique à l’école primaire. Lors de cette journée intitulée « Survol d’une journée de classe », les parents d’enfants de la maternelle, de la 5e et de la 6e année ont accompagné leurs enfants dans toutes les activités, qu’il s’agisse de l’enseignement d’une matière, de la récréation ou encore des séances avec les professionnels des services aux élèves. « Cette initiative avait pour but d’offrir aux parents un véritable aperçu d’une journée de classe typique dans la vie de leur enfant, en particulier du point de vue académique », a déclaré Jessica Monti, directrice adjointe à l’école East Hill. « Les parents se sont déplacés pour apprendre aux côtés de leurs enfants. Ce fut une expérience unique pour tous ceux qui y ont pris part. »
LANCEMENT À ST. GABRIEL: En septembre, les élèves auront droit à de nouveaux livres. En effet, le mercredi 29 mai, l’école primaire St. Gabriel située au 600, rue Dublin à Pointe-Saint-Charles s’est vu accorder une subvention de 30 000 $ de la Fondation Indigo pour l’amour de la lecture et a procédé au lancement de ses nouveaux programmes de prématernelle et de maternelle. Devant la croissance exponentielle de la population dans Griffintown, l’école acceptera officiellement les inscriptions dans ses programmes d’immersion française à la prématernelle et à la maternelle pour l’année scolaire 2019-2020. Dès septembre, les élèves pourront ainsi profiter de centaines de nouveaux livres, St. Gabriel devenant la quatrième école de la CSEM à recevoir la subvention Indigo pour l’amour de la lecture. L'école primaire Coronation dans Côte-des-Neiges, l'école primaire St. Dorothy dans Saint-Michel et l'école primaire St. Monica dans NDG ont elles aussi déjà été les heureuses récipiendaires de cette aide financière.
Fondée en 2004 par Heather Reisman, présidente-directrice générale et fondatrice de Chapters/Indigo, la Fondation pour l’amour de la lecture s'est engagée à financer la littératie dans les écoles primaires en milieu défavorisé. Depuis sa création, la fondation a versé plus de 30 millions de dollars à plus de 3 000 écoles dans le besoin partout au Canada.
PRÉPARATIFS EN VUE DU DÉMÉNAGEMENT DE WESTMOUNT PARK : Les programmes et le curriculum demeureront inchangés, et même le numéro de téléphone. Tel était le message que la direction de l’école primaire Westmount Park voulait transmettre aux parents à propos du déménagement dans deux bâtiments distincts à compter de septembre. Des travaux de réfection, de rénovation et de nettoyage auront lieu au cours de l'été afin de préparer les installations de l'ancienne école primaire St. John Bosco de Ville-Émard et celles de l'Académie internationale Marymount de NDG. Situé au 15 Park Place, le bâtiment actuel vieux de 105 ans sera fermé pendant au moins les deux prochaines années scolaires (2019-2020 et 2020-2021) afin d’y effectuer des travaux de réfection et de rénovation totalisant 12 millions de dollars. L’école Westmount Park s'attend à maintenir son effectif de 700 élèves qui sera réparti en deux groupes, de la maternelle à la 6e année. Compte tenu de la logistique regroupant les parcours d’autobus, les codes postaux et les besoins particuliers, moins de la moitié des élèves fréquenteront le campus sud de l’école Westmount Park (Ville-Émard), tandis que les autres occuperont le campus nord de l’école Westmount Park (NDG), soit l’aile est de l’actuelle Académie internationale Marymount. Les élèves de Westmount Park utiliseront les portes du côté est, tandis que les élèves actuels de Marymount continueront à utiliser les portes situées côté ouest du bâtiment. Depuis les deux dernières années, Marymount partage ses installations avec l’Académie Centennial, qui déménagera cet été. Les frères et sœurs seront réunis sur le même campus.
EXPANSION DE L’ÉCOLE WILLINGDON: À compter de l'année scolaire 2019-2020, l'école primaire Willingdon de NDG accueillera ses élèves de 5e et 6e année dans ce qui deviendra son campus senior, situé dans l'ancien bâtiment de l'école St. Ignatius de Loyola, à l’angle des avenues Coronation et Somerled. Le bâtiment original rue Terrebonne accueillera les cinq nouvelles classes de maternelle ainsi que les élèves de la 1re à la 4e année. Une cérémonie officielle d’inauguration devrait avoir lieu au début de la nouvelle année scolaire en septembre. Les élèves se rendront à pied au nouveau campus le 19 juin. Pour souligner l’occasion, Suzanne Desautels réalise actuellement une série de balados.
CONCRÉTISATON DE PROJETS STIAM À L’IR-CUSM: À la suite d’un encadrement de six semaines assuré par des stagiaires de recherche et des coordonnateurs de projets dans le cadre d’un partenariat entre la Commission scolaire English-Montréal (CSEM) et l’Institut de recherche du Centre universitaire de santé McGill (IR-CUSM), 30 élèves du secondaire, fiers et enthousiastes, sont venus présenter leurs projets à l’IR-CUSM. L'événement se voulait le point culminant d’une collaboration fructueuse et prometteuse impliquant sept écoles secondaires de la CSEM dans le but de faire participer les jeunes aux projets STIAM (sciences, technologies, ingénierie, arts et mathématiques). Ce partenariat unique a permis de fournir des outils axés sur le dialogue et l’exploration, de manière à développer chez les élèves la pensée critique, artistique et créative, à la manière des innovateurs de demain.
AIDER LES ÉLÈVES À MIEUX COMPOSER AVEC LE CURRICULUM: L’équipe de professionnels des Services aux élèves de la CSEM a accueilli deux conseillers en technologie d’assistance et de soutien. En collaboration avec les Services éducatifs et de la technologie (SET), ce nouveau service innovant aide les élèves ayant des besoins particuliers à apprendre, à communiquer et à mieux accéder au curriculum. Il y a trois ans, des représentants des Services aux élèves et des SET de la CSEM se sont joints à Apple Canada lors d'une visite au South Shore Regional Centre for Education à Bridgewater, en Nouvelle-Écosse, afin d’observer la mise en œuvre de la technologie en classe. « Nous avons rencontré des conseillers en technologie d’assistance et de soutien et leurs réalisations nous ont impressionnés. Nous avons décidé sur-le-champ d'intégrer ce service à la CSEM et d’embaucher des spécialistes dans ce domaine », explique Julie René de Cotret, directrice adjointe des Services aux élèves à la CSEM. Andrea Prupas a été embauchée il y a deux ans et Olivia Colalillo s'est jointe à l’équipe cette année. Toutes deux fort qualifiées, elles travaillent individuellement avec des élèves des écoles primaires et secondaires de la CSEM qui souffrent de troubles d'apprentissage, de dyslexie, de retards de développement et de troubles du spectre de l’autisme.
IMPACT: La traditionnelle Soirée de la CSEM aura lieu le mercredi 26 juin à 19 h 30 alors que l’Impact accueillera les Tumbers de Portland au Stade Saputo. Les familles de la CSEM peuvent se procurer des billets au coût de 20 $ chacun. Une part du produit de la vente des billets sera versée à Inspirations, une publication dédiée à la communauté ayant des besoins particuliers. Les billets sont en vente en ligne seulement, à www.emsb.qc.ca/impact. Deux élèves recevront la prestigieuse bourse d'études Tony Licursi d’une valeur de 500 $.
RÉCEPTION DE RECONNAISSANCE DES EMPLOYÉS AYANT DE LONGS ÉTATS DE SERVICE : Quelque 90 personnes ont assisté à la réception annuelle en reconnaissance des longs états de service tenue le mardi 28 mai à la salle de réception Le Challenger, à Ville Saint-Laurent. La CSEM a rendu hommage à 45 employés – enseignants, administrateurs et personnel de soutien – pour leurs 25 années de service au sein de la Commission, depuis 1994. Angela Mancini, présidente de la CSEM; Ann Marie Matheson, directrice générale; plusieurs commissaires, directions d’école et les directions régionales; la secrétaire générale; les Ressources humaines ainsi que le Service de l’éducation des adultes et de la formation professionnelle ont remis à chaque employé honoré, en guise de remerciement, une montre Monarch pour souligner leurs 25 années de service. Figuraient parmi les personnes honorées présentes cette année : Nadia Audet (école secondaire Laurier Macdonald), Lise Beauchemin (école Nesbitt), Lorraine Bélanger (école Cedarcrest), Louis Bilodeau (Académie LaurenHill), Donald Chan (école secondaire Westmount), Patrici Monique Crevier (Centre Mackay), Athanasios Dafniotis (Académie LaurenHill), Ida Maria De Laurentiis (école Michelangelo), Jean-Guy Desjardins (école secondaire Westmount), Angeliki Eftaxias (école Merton), Carole Gagnon (secrétaire, Secrétariat général/Communications), Demetrios Giannacopoulos (Centre d’éducation des adultes Saint-Laurent), Stavroula Haralambakos (Académie LaurenHill), Deborah Johnson (Centre des carrières St. Pius X), Sonia Mandel (High School of Montreal), Stacey Monk (école Cedarcrest), Mylene Perreault (école secondaire Lester B. Pearson), Anna Picarella (centre de carrières Laurier Macdonald), Helen Radford (Centre Mackay), Cindy Renaud (Ressources humaines), Sandy Roy (Académie Royal West), Giuseppina Santino (école Nesbitt), Nicola Sindici (Centre d’éducation des adultes Saint-Laurent), Rosa Penn (Centre de santé et d’études commerciales Shadd), Michel Le Duc (école secondaire Laurier Macdonald), Concettina Cassetta (école Nesbitt), Patricia Ciccarelli (Centre Mackay/Philip E. Layton), Marie-Christine Hanlon (école Dunrae Gardens) et Rola Soueidan (école Pierre Elliott Trudeau).
L’ÉCOLE EDWARD MURPHY CUISINE ELLE AUSSI: Les classes 3C et 4C de M. Michael à l’école Edward Murphy ont eu l’occasion d’utiliser des fractions dans un contexte réel. M. Michael et Aliya Somani, conseillère pédagogique en mathématiques, ont conçu en collaboration un excellent plan de leçons qui allie la cuisine et les mathématiques! Le chef Mike Young de St. Pius X et la directrice adjointe, Tanya Alvares, ont aidé les élèves à préparer des smoothies à l'aide de tasses à mesurer et de mélangeurs. Ils ont eu bien du plaisir à préparer de délicieux smoothies!
RESTO-DÉJEUNER: Le mardi 28 mai, à l’école Roslyn, les élèves de 2e année de Mme Anabel, Mme Dimitra et Mme Marie-Laure recevaient les parents à leur resto-déjeuner! Les élèves ont passé plusieurs semaines à travailler les diverses compétences de français langue seconde en réalisant une multitude d’activités liées à l’alimentation. Ils ont clôturé ce thème en invitant leurs parents à venir déjeuner à leur restaurant. Les élèves ont rédigé eux-mêmes les invitations et les menus. Ils ont aussi accueilli et servi les parents. Ce sont aussi eux qui géraient la caisse. Et tout cela en français, bien sûr! Les nombreux parents présents sont repartis enchantés de leur expérience au « Resto-déjeuner Roslyn »!
MADAME SPAGNOLO PREND LA BARRE: Angela Spagnolo a été nommée directrice du Service de l’éducation des adultes et de la formation professionnelle. Elle occupera ce poste à compter du 1er juillet. Elle succédera à Cosmo Della Rocca, qui tire sa révérence après une carrière de plus de 40 ans dans le système d’éducation public. Madame Spagnolo est directrice adjointe depuis 2016. Auparavant, elle a été directrice du Centre d’éducation des adultes James Lyng, du Centre de formation professionnelle Laurier Macdonald et du Centre d’éducation des adultes Saint-Laurent, de même que conseillère pédagogique et enseignante.
ST. PIUS REND VISITE À DANTE: Sistino Occhialini, chef enseignant de St. Pius X, était de passage à l’école primaire Dante de Saint-Léonard afin de cuisiner avec la classe de première année de madame Élaine! Le chef Sistino a encouragé les élèves à apprécier les formes, les couleurs et les saveurs lorsqu’ils dégustent un repas. Il a également abordé les techniques culinaires lors de la préparation d’une verrine de salsa, de petites bouchées au concombre et d’une tarte à la salade de fruits. Tous ont passé un délicieux moment en sa compagnie!
The next Focus will be on August 29, 2019. A special edition of EMSB Update will follow the final Council meeting of the year on June 26, 2019.
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